Beefcake � It�s What�s for Dinner
July 25, 2006 - 1:16 p.m.

Leah Update: I spoke with Leah on Sunday, and she said she was resting comfortably, glad to be home. However, she was readmitted to the hospital yesterday with high fever, elevated blood pressure, vomiting, and (as Jeannie put it) �green junk coming from her wound.� She is on an antibiotic IV. Let�s hope that does the trick and there are no further problems. Just another example of hospitals kicking patients out too soon, like 2� days after having a kidney removed. I hope Leah is feeling better. It seems so unfair that she should have to suffer as a result of her selflessness.

* * * * *

On a far less important note, I bowled like crap last night (89-102-88). We lost all three games. Lisa was off, too, so I don�t have to shoulder all the guilt, although I did point out that our pinfall would have been about 30 higher had I stayed home, forcing my team to use my average. We decided to blame Lauren (heh), our cheerleader, for not being there.

And why wasn�t Lauren there? Well, it seems that my friend is a bit of a klutz. Sunday night, en route to the bathroom for a middle of the night pee, Lauren tripped over a beach bag she had left in the hallway, banging her head against the wall and somehow ending up with a black eye. And she just didn�t feel like making any public appearances with said shiner. I told her she should tell people her husband did it, though this would be funny only to those who know Nick. Nick is a gentle lamb. He grew up with four sisters (no brothers), so he knows too well not to mess with women.

Anyway, I suppose one reason for my sucky bowling could be that I was, er, distracted.

Distracted by a handsome face, broad shoulders, and a nice butt. Yes, amid all the bowling geeks, there�s this one guy who, if I were younger and sluttier�. Well, you know. But he�s TOO young, as in probably born the year I graduated from high school young. Still, a person can look, dream, and lick her lips�

He�s tall, lean, and muscular � but not too tall, too lean, or too muscular. On occasion, he has shown up (and bowled) wearing his softball uniform. Let�s just say he wears it well.

Oddly, I was getting a good vibe from him last night. Odd, because he tends to keep to himself and his teammates. Oh, I hope to hell that Lauren didn�t say anything to him last week. Lauren knows I would love to climb all over him and, unlike me, doesn�t see a problem with that whole born the year I graduated from high school thing. (Then again, if Mr. Hunky doesn�t have a problem with older chicks, well, I certainly wouldn�t want to deny him.)

Alas, his father (who bowls with him) would be a more socially suitable match for me. Maybe that�s it. Maybe dad is divorced, and son is looking to fix him up and thinks I might be a good candidate. Yeah, my luck. I�m lusting after a guy, and he sees me as a potential STEPMOTHER. Yikes. Doesn�t that just suck out loud?

For what it�s worth, dad is an attractive man (though I see no father-son resemblance), but too old for my liking. It�s tough trying to hang with a guy more than a couple of years older than myself (or even my own age, oftentimes) when I�m digging Tool and he�s digging Tull. They end up thinking I�m some carefree, bizarro freak and ignoring how grounded I truly am.

Whoa. I�m digressing and getting way ahead of myself. I�ve just needed to vent about that for some time now.

So that�s it. A guy who�s damned easy on the eyes who can have a lovely older woman if he wants but who (I hope) doesn�t know it. I�ll kill Lauren if she said anything to him.

Get well soon, Leah!


Stuck in my head : �All the Love in the World� � Nine Inch Nails

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