A Look Back
January 05, 2006 - 3:44 p.m.

I�m still here!

Christmas was lovely. I enjoyed ten whole days off from work. I had some ambitious plans, but most were scrapped in favor of sleep. Much sleep. Like I�ve never slept before. It was as if I were competing with the cats those first few days. I guess I needed it. After that period of hibernation, I pepped up a little and spent some time with first the visiting Jenny and second the visiting Olivia and Dave. I didn�t partake in the post-holiday sales (despite all the mad, crazy gift cards I received), figuring everything was too picked over. I did, however, do a fragrance exchange at B&B Werx. (Note to Jackie: If one doesn�t eat melon, chances are she probably doesn�t care for melon scented stuff. Next time, go for the Gardenia or Sweet Pea, s�il vous plait.) While there, I saw these cute, goodie-stuffed mugs for half off:

Hmmm. Note that it is winter themed, not Christmas themed. So I bought three and decided to give myself all of 2006 to sew those three as yet unsewn scarves. No pressure this week!

The celebrating continued through the week with a family birthday (post to follow) and Jeannie and Leah�s First Annual Come As You Are (As Long As You�re Not Dressed Up) New Year�s Eve Lazy Slugs Film Fest.

I truly intended to post the birthday entry on the actual birthday, but that didn�t happen. In the meantime, as I have been catching up on everyone�s diaries, I noticed several posting the first sentence/ paragraph for the first entry of each month of 2005. Here�s mine:

January �

I was feeling a teensy bit better about this place, and then Mary the Pest struck.

February �

Mary the Pest game me a Page-a-Day cat cartoons calendar for Christmas. It has to be the unfunniest thing ever. Dental x-rays are more amusing.

March �

No more breathing tube!

April �

It�s a good thing I decided not to go to the gym at lunch today, because I just realized I left my exercise clothes at home.

May �

By the time I had finished showering last Thursday, I was standing ankle deep in water. Yup, I had a clogged shower drain. Dang.

June �

Who says my job is thankless? That it doesn�t pay well?

July �

The amazing Jenny (soon to be Dr. Jenny!), my friend since first grade, is visiting this week. Her parents� 50th anniversary is Sunday.

August �

Okay, so I had this wonderfully bizarro dream last night. It was one of those dreams that seems to go on forever and ever and eventually becomes a miniseries. In a nutshell: Blind Date with Brad Pitt.

September �

Washington, you are responding MUCH too slowly to this crisis.

October �

144. That�s what I bowled in my third game last week.

November �

Email to coworker attorney from other (out of state) office (paraphrased):
Following last week�s meeting/paper flurry in your office, we mistakenly wound up with some of your documents. Please let me know in what manner you would like your stuff returned to you (FedEx, pdf file). Thanks bunches. XOXO, Autumn

December �

You know what happens when, for the first time in several months, you are a good little do-bee and make your sandwich for tomorrow�s lunch the night before, instead of in the morning when you are rushing to get out the door?

Wishing all a happy, healthy 2006!


back ... forth

Trick or Treat - November 02, 2007
Autumn Has Left the Building - July 19, 2007
The Nail - June 04, 2007
Ungolding - June 01, 2007
Bollocks - May 29, 2007

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