Endless Banner
March 16, 2006 - 4:07 p.m.

Is everyone as sick of the Endless Pools (the treadmill for swimmers) banner as I am? How annoying is that two-frame, endless loop animation of the dude thrashing in a hot tub? And what�s that thing at the end of the tub? A diving board? With a towel rod? Wouldn�t that trip anyone attempting to dive, as if diving into a foot and a half of water isn�t already dangerous enough?

Treadmill for swimmers. Give me a break. I�ve been through several summers of childhood swimming lessons, was a member of Smalltown�s pre-teen swim team, and was a faithful YMCA lap swimmer for six years, and I can tell you the best part about swimming is the act of moving your body through the water, not thrashing in place while water streams by you. I�m not salmon, you know. I can�t leap upstream. Oh god, is that guy in the banner ad trying to spawn?! Eeewwww!

I did the unthinkable. I caved in to my own curiosity. I clicked on the banner.

�Finally a pool that makes sense!�

The base price is $19,400 (not including installation). That�s followed by a list of about 50 options ranging in price from $100 to $8,400 each. Yeah, that makes sense. I�ve always wanted a pool, especially one that makes sense. Sign me up, Pete!

Endless Pools. The treadmill for salmon. And dumbasses.


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Trick or Treat - November 02, 2007
Autumn Has Left the Building - July 19, 2007
The Nail - June 04, 2007
Ungolding - June 01, 2007
Bollocks - May 29, 2007

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