Deadweight Champion
June 19, 2006 - 4:15 p.m.

Two of my peers were out on Friday. Unfortunately, Janna was not one of them. It totally sucks when Janna and I are the only L.A.s. Janna is easily and by far our weak link. This means that I was burdened with the workload of four L.A.s.

Fortunately, Steve was on vacation, although I had some work to do for him in his absence. Patrick and Fred, my other health care BFBs, have been very busy of late. In addition, I was to assist T and J and M.

Janna, who generally works with K and E, was also supposed to be assisting D and R and M.

R, however, absolutely refuses to give work to Janna because she is, well, incompetent. Lazyass D�s office is but two doors down from mine. M is in litigation, and Janna �doesn�t know litigation.�

So, let�s do the math:

Me: Steve + Patrick + Fred + T + J + D + R + M

Janna: K + E

Can you say �inequity?�

And they ALL gave me stuff to do.

Then, to top it off, Janna came over and gave me something to do for her!

I mean, !!!!!

It gets better.

�Can I give this to you to do? I know I could just ask you to show me how to do it like you did once before, but I�ll just forget again because I do these maybe twice a year.�


And just two days earlier, Paul, the Boston L.A. I am in frequent contact with, called and said, �Is it just me, or is Janna clueless?�

Oh, no, Paul, it�s not just you.

As time goes on, and Janna continues to be unwilling/unable to learn what she should already know, the other L.A.s and I grow more and more resentful.

Clearly, the attorneys are too wimpy and uncaring to do anything about the situation. As long as their work gets done, they don�t care. And the work does get done but with little help from Janna.

So, do we (my peers and I) go to HR with this? Would HR do anything if not prompted by the attorneys? Doubtful.

What to do?

Patience is wearing thin. My competent peers and I have discussed the situation on more than one occasion. Perhaps to our detriment, we are compassionate. Janna is not mean; she is not a backstabbing bitch; she is not unpleasant � she�s just totally fucking incompetent. If she were to get the axe, there is the possibility that her replacement could be worse � some uber-psychobitch whose main goal in life is to make his/her coworkers utterly miserable. Or, there could be no replacement at all � which really wouldn�t be very different from the current situation. And our guilt would be worsened by the fact that Janna and her boyfriend just became homeowners.

I suppose it would be considered socially and professionally unacceptable for my peers and me to beat up Janna every other Friday, take her paycheck, and split it amongst ourselves.

It does, however, seem equitable.


P.S. It�s Monday, and Janna has called in sick. Again. Surprise.

back ... forth

Trick or Treat - November 02, 2007
Autumn Has Left the Building - July 19, 2007
The Nail - June 04, 2007
Ungolding - June 01, 2007
Bollocks - May 29, 2007

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