Last Minute Vacation
February 27, 2006 - 11:14 a.m.

First things first. Somnambulist Steve, who I knew was jonesing for more duckpin action since our bowl-off last fall, came down Friday to bowl (as a substitute) in the league. Our team lost a bowler a few weeks ago, and Steve filled in the open slot. He kicked ass! Something like 332 to my 262 (my second worst night of the entire season). Fortunately, we weren�t competing against each other. Steve bested two of my teammates, too, including Captain Bill. In fact, he was doing so well that by the third game our bruised egos may or may not have resulted in a few sarcastic, �Aw, too bad� remarks following the occasional near miss on Steve�s part. To make matters worse, Bill pointed out that not only was The New Guy kicking my ass, but I was letting him use my balls to do it. Check out Steve�s entry for his perspective. All kidding aside, a good time was had by all. Yeah, we won all three games, too.

Oh, and as we were leaving, I saw Lala coming in. What�s up with that? Weird, I tell ya, weird.

Now, I�m headed out on vacation for the remainder of the week. I just learned this yesterday. My godparents have a beachfront timeshare on the Cape, but due to some work project, my godfather cannot go, so godmother Mary Jane invited Mom and me. We head out tomorrow morning and return on Friday. Considering that at this time last year Mom was on a ventilator in ICU, it seems fitting to go away for a few days. Not exactly a Caribbean cruise, I know, but I�ll take it just the same. Too bad it�s not beach season, huh?

Not one to spend my days sitting around, I�ve already done some activities research. There is a franchise of my gym nearby and a top-notch ice rink with daytime public skating hours in the area. So while the �older set� is doing their thing, I�ll be getting my move on. Also, there�s an indoor pool at the timeshare, as well as a hot tub. Mmmmm.

It�s funny how people view vacations differently. I�m packing ice skates and a bathing suit (not to be worn at the same time, you sick, silly fools), and Mom�s bringing Scrabble and teabags. For my down time, I�m bringing a couple of books, maybe some scrapbooking to work on, and a yoga DVD. (Nothing against Scrabble or tea. I�m sure I will be partaking in both.)

Yippee yahoo!

Still hearting March,


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Trick or Treat - November 02, 2007
Autumn Has Left the Building - July 19, 2007
The Nail - June 04, 2007
Ungolding - June 01, 2007
Bollocks - May 29, 2007

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