Beg, Borrow, Steal, Murder
October 02, 2006 - 2:42 p.m.

First things first: School has been back in session for what � a month? � and how many shootings have there been already? What the fuck is going on?!

Onward. Okay, so I didn�t beg for it. But I keep seeing this meme in everyone�s diary, so I just had to do it, too. Am I usually such a sheep? I don�t think so. Besides, most of the BFBs are out today, celebrating their new year with a day of atonement, so I have some free time. I don�t need to atone. Heh.

Do you hate more than 3 people?
Hate is an awfully intense emotion. Sure, I use the word, but do I really mean it? I don�t think I truly hate more than three people, but there are a lot who offend me and my sense of values, who annoy me to no end, and who bug the shit out of me.

What is your favorite candy bar?
Peanut M&Ms, even though it technically isn�t a bar. Runners-up: Peanut butter M&Ms, peanut butter cups, Dove milk chocolate.

What are your favorite shoes?
I prefer sandals or boots, depending on the season. Shoes are what I have to wear during the transition.

Have you ever tripped someone?
I don�t think so.

Do you own a Britney Spears CD?
Oh, fuck no!

Have you ever thrown up in public?
Well, if sticking one�s head out the passenger�s side of a friend�s vehicle and blowing chunks while traveling at approximately 65 MPH on I-195 counts� Yes. Times two. MANY years ago.

What is your favorite music genre?
Punk, alt-rock

What is your sign?
Virgo, baby.

What time were you born?
6:45 a.m. on a Sunday. During football season, the nerve of me. Or should I say, the nerve of Dr. Forceps? Yup, 20 days after the due date, they finally decided to induce Mom. I graced the world well before kickoff, though. You�re welcome, Dad.

Do you like beer?
I do.

Have you ever made a prank call?
Ah, to be an adolescent before the era of caller ID and *69. Also, Olivia�s Mom had some gizmo stashed away in the basement that connected to ye olde rotary phone and made it a speakerphone. Olivia found it. So, yes. Many times.

What is the most embarrassing CD you own?
I�m not embarrassed by any of my CDs, but, trying to think like others, I�d say Tom Jones� Greatest Hits. I love that campy stuff. What? It�s not intentionally campy? WHAT�S NEW, PUSSYCAT?!

Are you sarcastic?
Lovingly so.

What are your favorite colors?
Sunset pink and blue Curacao blue

How many watches do you own?
Four, I think. Only one has a functioning battery. Procrastinatrix!

Summer or winter?
Summer. I hate when it�s pitch black out when I leave work. I�m already dreading it.

Spring or fall?
Autumn weather is nice, but it�s the beginning of that dreaded darkness thing (see above). Therefore, spring, the season for planting flowers.

What is your favorite color to wear?
I always get compliments when I wear fuchsia. I think I look good in black. And lately, I�ve taken to wearing light turquoise (neither too light nor too bright � think Tiffany�s boxes).

Pepsi or Sprite?
Sprite, please.

What color is your cell phone?
Silver and dark red. This shit is fascinating, huh?

Have you ever slapped someone?
Again, I don�t think so. I do think it would have been funny if that cop had bitch-slapped Zsa Zsa right back, though.

Have you ever had a cavity?
I have four teeny, pinhead-sized fillings that I got when I was 10. Look, mom � no cavities since.

How many lamps are in your bedroom?
Two. Only one is plugged in. Don�t ask. I don�t have a good answer.

How many video games do you own?
Hmmm, I have an old GameBoy Advance � Tetris, bowling, and something else I can�t remember the name of, but it�s sort of like Mario Brothers.

What was your first pet?
(Not counting the occasional goldfish or tiny turtle) Cory the killer tabby. Good kitty.

Have you ever had braces?
Yes. Just five years ago, I had braces on my bottom teeth for eleven months. Purely vanity. One of my front teeth had become pushed ahead of the others (my jaw is a bit too narrow to accommodate my teeth), so I had it pulled, and the braces went on to close the half space left by my departed snaggletooth. I had to go to three orthodontists before I found one who would do braces on bottom only. The others took the attitude of �I make every tooth in your head absolutely perfect, or I do nothing at all.� Moneygrubbers. Dr. T., however, was cool. He openly admitted that 95 percent of orthodontics is cosmetic and not medically necessary. His words: �Are you in pain? Are you unable to chew?� If not, then it�s not medically necessary, and the choice is yours. Yup, it�s all about finding the right doctor.

Do looks matter?
In terms of the opposite sex, my opinion about looks can change (for better or for worse) as I become more acquainted with the person inside. Pretty boys become less pretty if they turn out to be jerks, and so-so guys become downright handsome if I fall for them. Emotions rule, I guess.

Do you use Chapstick?
No. I prefer Blistek. I�m a lip biter, so I�m addicted to the stuff.

Name 3 teachers from your high school:
Mr. Murphy, Mr. Ellis, Mr. Rinaldi

American Eagle or Abercrombie?

Are you too forgiving?
Ha. I�m trying to be more forgiving.

Do you own something from Hot Topic?
Surprisingly, no.

What is your favorite breakfast?
English muffin, buttered and topped with two soft-boiled eggs, a glass of ice cold grapefruit or cranberry juice, and a cup of decaf Earl Grey tea. Mmmm.

Do you own a gun?
I have squirt guns (including a super soaker), a laser gun that makes all kinds of neato sounds, and a glue gun. No firearms for me. (I do, however, keep an aluminum baseball bat in the house � I�m not telling where. It�s red and pretty.)

When was the last time you cried?
I hardly ever cry. I did get a little teary yesterday, though, as I was reading the lyrics to Tool�s �10,000 Days� (the single) while simultaneously listening to it. �Ten thousand days in the fire is long enough, you're going home� � referring to the many years Maynard�s mother endured partial paralysis and suffered from other effects caused by a brain aneurism.

What did you do 3 nights ago?
TOOL !!!

When was the last time you went to Olive Garden?
Not crazy about this place. After successfully avoiding it for many years, Mom dragged me there earlier this year because she had a coupon or a gift card or something. I had to send back my meal because it clearly was not as described in the menu. Quite different, in fact. Mom agreed. I was so disgusted (and not very hungry to begin with) that I did not order something else. Olive Garden blows.

Have you ever called your teacher mom?
Not that I recall.

Have you ever been in a castle?

What are your nicknames?
My name doesn�t lend itself to nicknames. Some of my friends will call me by my first and middle initials or first and middle names combo.

Do you know anyone named Bertha?
Oh, dear. This was THE family name a few generations back. A great-grandmother, a great-aunt, and some old cousin. The only one in my lifetime was my great-aunt, and even she loathed her name. I guess she never changed it out of respect to her mother, Bertha I.

Have you ever been to Hawaii?
Yeah. Didn�t you read my ten or so posts from a couple of years ago?

Do you own something from Banana Republic?

Are you happy with your life right now?
Yes, I am quite content.

Does anyone like you?
Oh, that�s just a pathetic question. I�m not Hitler, you know.

What were you doing May of 1994?
Celebrating Mother�s Day and all those May birthdays: Gram, Olivia, Jenny, and Toxic Noelle; planting impatiens in my window box. (I did not yet have my flowerbeds dug.)

McDonald's or Wendy's?
Ick. Wendy�s, I suppose. The chili�s not bad.

Do you like yourself?
Whoa. For a minute there, I thought that read �Do you LICK yourself?� Yikes!

Favorite feature of the opposite sex?
I�ve got this thing for a nice man-chest. Now, that I�d lick.

Are you afraid of the dark?

Have you ever eaten paste?
Never even been tempted.

Do you have a webcam?
No way!

Have you ever stripped?
Yes, but only for an audience of one. Please, no flash photography.

What was the last film you saw at the cinema?
I don�t know. It might have been that Herbie the Lovebug movie I saw with Emma about a year ago.

What are your favorite TV shows?
These days, there is no must-see TV for me. Sometimes, there�s something good on the History Channel. That thing the other night about illegal drugs, though � I had to turn it off because it was creeping me out. I think it was a combination of the subject matter and the narrator chick�s voice.

What did you have for breakfast?
Special K and cranberry juice. Not in the same bowl, silly!

What is your middle name?
I�m not saying, but I will tell you that it was close to being Jane. (You know it�s not Leigh, right?)

What foods do you dislike?
Any kind of melon. Bockwurst. Coffee yogurt. Certain vegetables, if cooked (broccoli, summer squash, bell peppers, cabbage).

What is your favorite CD at the moment?
10,000 Days, of course.

Favorite sandwich?
Turkey club on seeded rye

What are your favorite clothes?
Anything that is clean, comfortable, and in which I look absolutely smashing.

What color is your bathroom?
Sage green

Favorite brand of clothing?
I don�t have a favorite brand. I just like what I like.

Where would you want to retire to?

Favorite time of day?
No strong preference here. If I�m to do something productive at home, I want bright sunlight. Nighttime is for a whole other set of enjoyable activities.

What did you want to be when you were little?
Teacher, novelist

What is your best childhood memory?
Going to Ice Capades and being among the lucky children snagged to ride in the ice floats. A love of figure skating begins�

Eye color?
Very dark brown. Mom says they look like ripe olives.

Ever been toilet papering?

Favorite day of the week?
Saturday. Mine, all mine, all day long.

Dang, that was long.

Concert review forthcoming.


Stuck in my head : �10,000 Days� � Tool

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Trick or Treat - November 02, 2007
Autumn Has Left the Building - July 19, 2007
The Nail - June 04, 2007
Ungolding - June 01, 2007
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